AAAI 2013 Tutorial on Textual Entailment
Sebastian Pado,
Heidelberg University
Rui Wang, German
Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
The ability to draw inferences is a central part of language understanding. Traditionally, it has predominantly been approached through the development of formal representa- tions with provably complete and correct reasoning mechanisms. Textual Inference is a recent alternative approach that defines inference as a binary relation between two natural language text fragments, avoiding commitment to any specific knowledge repre- sentation, or reasoning mechanism. It hopes to establish a level playing field to compare and combine various approaches to inference and to establishing a task-independent paradigm for applied semantics. The proposed tutorial provides an introduction to Tex- tual Inference, spanning the range from fundamental to applied aspects. It would cover (a) definition and motivation; (b) major relevant linguistic phenomena; (c) methods for acquiring and applying linguistic knowledge for modeling inference; (d), major families 1 of algorithms; and (e) an introduction to practical system building using a new open and modular software platform.
Part 1. Basics: Inference and Textual Inference
- Discuss the importance of inference for AI and Natural Language Processing;
- Motivate Textual Inference (TI) as a probabilistic concept of inference on natural language;
- Show the mapping of major NLP tasks (such as Question Answering and Machine Translation Evaluation) onto Textual Inference;
- Discuss the relationship between TI and related tasks (e.g., paraphrasing, contradiction recognition);
- Describe RTE (“Recognizing Textual Entailment”), the main forum for TI evaluation in the NLP community.
Part 2. Classes of Strategies and Learning
- Characterize the major classes of strategies to approach TI;
- Cover typical linguistic preprocessing steps;
- Define representations/data structures typically used;
- Provide technical detail on state-of-the-art inference procedures and machine learning techniques for the two most practically relevant classes of strategies (transformation-based and classification-based TI).
Part 3. Knowledge Acquisition
- Discuss the importance of background knowledge in TI;
- Identify knowledge resources used in current TI systems and their limitations;
- Provide an overview of (different types of) knowledge acquisition approaches;
- Define suitable representations and algorithms for using knowledge, including context-sensitive knowledge application.
Part 4. Applications
- Outline main classes of NLP problems and their mapping into Textual Inference;
- Go into technical detail for two applications:
- Machine Translation Evaluation;
- Hierarchical Information Exploration with Entailment Graphs.
Part 5. Multilingual, Component-based System Building
- Describe the problems for evaluation and practical application raised by the predominance of research prototype systems in the TI area;
- Present the component-based platform developed in the EXCITEMENT project (;
- System demonstration.
Slides for Download
All slides are landscape, printed 2-up on a portrait page (A4).
- Slides for Part 1 (2 MB, updated 7/12/13)
- Slides for Part 2 (2 MB, updated 7/12/13)
- Slides for Part 3 (2 MB, updated 7/12/13)
- Slides for Part 4 (2 MB, updated 7/12/13)
- Slides for Part 5 (2 MB, updated 7/12/13)
- All slides in one file (17 MB, 7/12/13)