Professor für Computerlinguistik
Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung,
Universität Stuttgart
Universitaet Stuttgart

I head the research group Theoretical Computational Linguistics at the Institute for Natural Language Processing (Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung), Universität Stuttgart.

Our research focuses on developing methods and software that enables computers to understand and reason about the meaning of words, sentences and documents.

Keywords: Computational Semantics, Digital Humanities, Computational Social Science, Model Interpretation, Fairness.

See also my personal web page at IMS.

If you write to me to inquire about internships or external thesis supervision, please add the word 'hospes' to the subject of your email. Otherwise I will not read it.

Oh, and if you get an email pretending to be from me about stuff like Google Play gift cards or iPhones, it's a scam.

Sebastian Pado 2024

Photo: Fabian Bross